Repeat dispensing scheme

What is repeat dispensing?

It’s a new way of getting your medicines without asking your doctor for a prescription each time.

Do I have to use the same pharmacy?

Yes, you need to return to the same pharmacy to get repeat dispensing forms dispensed. This will be your “named” pharmacy.

How does repeat dispensing work?

Your doctor will sign a repeat dispensing prescription. This will authorise the surgery to issue up to 12 one-month repeat dispensing forms.

Your GP practice will send your repeat dispensing prescriptions to your named pharmacy.
Your named pharmacy will supply you with your first month’s medicines. You will also be given a repeat medication card which will list all of your regular medicines.

The next month, when you need a new supply of your medicines, you or your representative should take your repeat medication card to your named pharmacy and you will be supplied with your next month’s medicines.

Don’t forget that you, or your representative, must sign the back of your repeat dispensing form. If you don’t pay for your prescriptions for any reason other than age, then your pharmacist will need to see proof of exemption.

What do I do with the other repeat dispensing forms?

It is recommended that you ask your named pharmacy to look after these for you.

Will anyone keep a check on my medicines?

Yes, each month when your repeat medicines are dispensed your pharmacist will discuss them with you. Please do not worry about this, your doctor or pharmacist will not make any changes without talking to you.

What do I do when my pharmacist says I need more prescriptions?

You should go back to your GP practice to request a repeat dispensing update. You will be told if you need any tests or another medication review to make sure that your medicines are still helping you.

Do I need to sign anything?

Yes, you will be asked to sign a consent form to allow your pharmacist and doctor to exchange information about your treatment. All information given by you to your doctor or pharmacist will be confidential.

Do I have to use repeat dispensing?

No, even if you sign the consent form and then change your mind, don’t worry, just tell your pharmacist or doctor that you want to go back to the old way of getting your repeat prescriptions.

Who will help me?

If you have any problems speak to your pharmacist or one of the surgery staff.

Date published: 24th November, 2014
Date last updated: 24th November, 2014